This page presents the tripphrase, a variant on the tripcode which is more memorable, more fun, and more likely to be used. You can play with an online tripphrase generator, or download the source code.
How To Crack A Tripcode Generator
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The tripcode is a means for a user to preserve his identity. When posting a message, the user can provide a password. The password is hashed (jumbled in a way that is not easily unjumbled), and the resulting jumble, or tripcode, appears after the user's name. Someone who wants to impersonate the user will not know the password, and thus cannot reproduce the user's tripcode.
It is commonly said that the problem with tripcodes is that they are insufficiently cryptographically secure, providing only a 54-bit keyspace, and are thus vulnerable to brute-force attack (systematic guessing). A number of "secure tripcode" schemes have been proposed to add cryptographic strength in various ways.
This view is all wrong. Tripcode strength is perfectly adequate. A tripcode functions like the lock on your front door: it only needs to keep out casually mischievious people, because there are social mechanisms to take care of people who circumvent it. If someone breaks into your house, the police will catch them and throw them in jail. Likewise, if someone is assuming others' identities on 4chan, the moderators will catch them and ban them. (By most measures, 4chan moderators are more vigilant and responsive than the average police force.)
There are areas of 4chan where anonymity is deeply ingrained in the culture, and in these cases, no form of authentication would be socially accepted. But even in the less staunchly anonymous areas, tripcodes invite some amount of derision. Why? Probably because they just look stupid.
Unlike usernames (and on other messageboards, avatars and signatures), tripcodes serve no communicative purpose. They are not fun or interesting. The user can't choose them to convey his personality. Their only social function is to serve as a badge that the user is paranoid about being impersonated. Hence the derision.
A tripcode is a meaningless jumble of letters and numbers. People don't remember meaningless jumbles. When reading casually, people try to not even see them -- a meaningless jumble interrupts reading flow.
A tripphrase functions similarly to a tripcode, in that the user enters a password which is hashed into a unique identifier. The difference is that, instead of a jumble, the result is a grammatically-valid short phrase.
Secondly, unlike a tripcode, a hilarious tripphrase can be worn proudly. In a sense, the user is demonstating that he "beat the game" -- after exploring an ocean of random phrases, he discovered how to generate "explode my galactic anaconda". Furthermore, because the password that generated the phrase is secret, the user possesses unique knowledge -- he is the only one in the world who can make the system display "explode my galactic anaconda". His audience's reaction is thus admiration tinted with envy, a far more inviting response than derision.
The total space is around 43 bits. This may not sound like much, but it doesn't matter. It's more than enough to prevent casual cracking and accidental collisions. A determined cracker will crack it regardless of bits, at which point, social mechanisms such as moderation will prevent abuse.
Namefag is related to tripfag, specifically referring to any user who posts with a name, but no tripcode. Namefags are generally treated with similar derision to tripfags, but are more easily trolled due to the simplicity of assuming their identity for mocking. Most Namefags are either posters with a good enough reputation to not get imitated or newfags too stupid to use a tripcode. For these reasons, namefags are much more rare than tripfags, though they are not as rare as emailfags.
Tripfag short for tripcode fag is a derogatory term for anyone who uses a tripcode. Just as some tripcode users bash Anonymous posting, so too do some Anonymous bash tripcode users. Anonymous s gripe stems from the perception that many but not all tripcode users try to use their posts to gain personal accolades, whereas Anonymous prefers having the commentary directed at the post itself instead of the poster. Why anyone would actively seek out approval and flattery from people so warped and twisted as the 4channers is almost as unfathomable as why people bother arguing about tripcodes and anonymous posting in the first place. Flame wars and shitstorms over the merits or lack thereof of posting with a tripcode were growing increasingly common on /b/ prior to the institution of Forced Anonymous.
Normal tripcodes can be cracked with only mild difficulty, but secure tripcodes, which are identified by having double exclamation point . . after the tripfag s name, are nearly impossible to work out or stylize, for that matter. It is common knowledge that secure tripcodes are for jerks, and those who use them are mocked even more mercilessly than ordinary tripfags.
Entering faggot moot s tripcode or the tripcodes of banned tripfag trolls such as Meru Otonashi merumeru activates or at least used to activate a global auto-ban and a permanent block from 4chan. Try it today.
The downside to this is that other people may also generate tripcodes to find tripcode keys that are similar. While it is possible to find the exact same tripcode, it is currently not practical for the average person to do so.
Tripcode Explorer is pretty self-explanatory, but here s a basic walk-through. If you just want to find a word or phrase without any constraints, just enter it in the Strings to find box, like in the above screenshot. Then just press the green arrow and wait until it finds you a tripcode key. You ll probably want to keep your word or phrase less than seven charactors, otherwise it may take an unreasonable amount of time to find the tripcode.
If you want to customize the tripcode more, you can use regular expressions. For example, a caret symbol will left align your word or phrase. Putting brackets acts as a logical OR. For instance, Oo Pp will find any tripcodes containing OP, Op, oP, or op. The screenshot below shows H Ee Ll Ll Oo which a left justified H followed by the continued spelling of hello in upper or lowercase, ie HeLLo or HElLo.
but you ll need to change the encoding for the tripcode key to work. Open up Notepad and paste the tripcode key into a new document. Then go to Encoding- Character Sets- Japanese and select Shift-JIS. Highlight the tripcode key and then copy and paste into 4chan.
Oct 22, 2014 - Normal tripcodes can be cracked with only mild difficulty, but secure tripcodes, which are identified by having double exclamation point . Emailfag - Furfag - Namefag - macfagTripcode decoder - The Society for the Study of Modern 15, 2004 - 76 posts - 41 authorsJust for practice, I tried to cobble together a tripcode decoder that would let you have. You want to crack one of 4chan s secure tripcodes.
Furrylover!t4XAG9SVEw 05/18/08(Sun)21:56Thank you for the cozy nice!If two communications possess the exact same tripcode, visitors can be reasonably sure that they had been created by the same individual. Non-problems with tripcodesIt will be commonly stated that the issue with tripcodes will be that they are insufficiently cryptographically secure, providing just a 54-little bit keyspace, and are usually thus vulnerable to (organized guessing). A quantity of 'protected tripcode' strategies have been recently proposed to add cryptographic power in several methods.This watch is certainly all incorrect. Tripcode strength is perfectly sufficient. A tripcode features like the lock on your front doorway: it only needs to maintain out delicately mischievious people, because there are usually social mechanisms to take treatment of people who circumvent it. If someone breaks into your house, the law enforcement will catch them and throw them in jail.
Also, if someone is assuming others' identities ón 4chan, the moderators will capture them and prohibit them. (By many actions, 4chan moderators are usually more vigilant and reactive than the average police push.). Worrydream!t4XAG9SVEw 05/18/08(Sun)21:56 No.226482 Reply I think everyone should be racially understanding! (USER WAS BANNED FOR THlS POST)The genuine issues with tripcodes possess nothing at all to do with parts and keyspaces, ánd everything to do with individuals. Issue 1: No one uses tripcodes.The principal issue with tripcodes is that nearly nobody uses them, and the few that do are usually derided. All óf the cryptó-bits on thé internet will perform you no great if they're also not actually utilized.There are places of 4chan where anonymity is usually deeply ingrained in the tradition, and in these instances, no form of authentication would end up being socially approved. But actually in the much less staunchly anonymous places, tripcodes invite some quantity of derision.
Probably because they just look ridiculous.Unlike usernames (and on some other messageboards, avatars and signatures), tripcodes serve no communicative objective. They are usually not really fun or interesting. The user can'capital t select them to share his character.
Their just social functionality will be to assist as a logo that the user is paranoid about being impersonated. Therefore the derision. Issue 2: Nobody appears at tripcodes.A supplementary problem with tripcodes is usually that almost nobody reads them.
The strongest crypto-hash created will perform you no great if nobody troubles to verify it.A tripcode is certainly a worthless jumble of words and quantities. People put on't keep in mind useless jumbles. When reading through casually, individuals test to not really even see them - a useless jumble stops reading flow.Tripcodes allow somebody to verify that two text messages were written by the same person, but the confirmation must become planned and deliberate. Comparing two jumbles Ietter-by-letter is a gradual and dull process. Tripcodes are worthless for informal verification of identity. TripphrasesA tripphrase functions similarly to a tripcodé, in that thé user gets into a security password which is hashed into a exclusive identifier. The difference is definitely that, instead of a jumble, the outcome can be a grammatically-valid short expression. 2ff7e9595c